The second round of CEWASTE Public Consultation is open!

The second round of the consultation process for the development of the CEWASTE normative requirements commences on the 18th February. This will enable stakeholders to make editorial comments on the eighth working draft of the document CEWASTE Requirements for Improving CRM Recycling from WEEE and Waste Batteries.

CEWASTE is developing a voluntary certification scheme for waste treatment. Specifically, the project is creating, validating and will launch the scheme for collection, transport and treatment facilities of key types of waste containing significant amounts of valuable and critical raw materials in e-waste and batteries.

A first working draft of the document CEWASTE Requirements for Improving CRM Recycling from WEEE and Waste Batteries was presented to stakeholders (including the CEWASTE Advisory Board) at a meeting in October 2019. After evaluating and integrating the comments from this meeting, a revised version of the document was published for the 1st round of public consultation in December 2019.

During this first round, more than 250 technical and editorial comments were collected and addressed. Based on the feedback, the CEWASTE normative requirements were revised in Summer 2020 and internally reviewed by the project’s Consortium Partners.

The updated document was then validated through 20 pilot audits at relevant collection and recycling facilities that were conducted in autumn 2020. As a result of feedback from these pilot audits, the CEWASTE normative requirements have been further updated and improved and are now presented for this second consultation; the document is available here.

CEWASTE Project Partners have agreed that technical comments will not be considered in this second round of consultation and if received will not be addressed in the final version of the document.

Further information on the CEWASTE consultation is available here.

Project funding


This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 820859.

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